codingdave 10 hours ago | next |

This article is silly. Flexibility in your day is the reason remote workers are productive. Everyone has ups and downs in their day. When down, rather than staring unproductively at a screen in some cubicle somewhere, it is terrific to use those times to take care of something in your life. Whether it is moving some laundry or taking a nap... you get it done and you come back productive.

We are paid to get work done, not to burn specific hours in a chair.

bravetraveler 3 hours ago | root | parent |

Funnily enough, however, businesses do get perks for how many asses are in chairs

They're often called 'Economic Development Incentives' or 'Urban Planning'. Think about this the next time someone tries to convince you the govt. doesn't pick winners or losers; that's kind of the job. I didn't say they do well.

ChiMan 10 hours ago | prev | next |

Funny how they don’t mention the time your employer doesn’t get from you while you commute.

I returned to the office mid-Covid in part because, when remote, I was working too hard at home. At the office, I was able to waste time during the day shooting the breeze with the few other folks there, and closing my laptop for my drive home reduced the chance of it being open at 10 pm.

Whenever I hear executives go off about return to office, I know they’re probably lazy and don’t understand what makes their companies tick: self-driven work.

Terr_ 5 hours ago | root | parent | prev |

> Funny how they don’t mention the time your employer doesn’t get from you while you commute.

Alternately, the time/fuel that an employer is making workers expend without compensating them for it.

sieste 10 hours ago | prev | next |

> In a finding that may shock some, 4% admit they fall asleep and 3% take a shower.

Yes I'm shocked how low all these numbers are.

yuye 8 hours ago | root | parent |

You don't even need to be remote to take a nap.

Here in my office, 13:00 is nap-time. Most of the office turns the lights off and people sleep for 15-30min.

Kind of felt guilty when I woke the IT guy up with an urgent issue.

mathverse 9 hours ago | prev | next |

Maybe remote work is not for everyone but it absolutely is for some people.

I work way way more from home than I ever did from office because of how structured my routine is. My employer squeezes most of my time as i work too much and cant myself take breaks during the day.

JSDevOps 9 hours ago | prev | next |

Walk around any office. How many people do you see doing online shopping or in pointless meetings.

re-thc 10 hours ago | prev | next |

Is this remote specific? I've seen plenty do online shopping in the office. What's the difference?

bravetraveler 6 hours ago | root | parent |

It might stop for a fraction of a moment as the manager grazes by. Behold their power. Fear them. They deserve their salary for this might.

Joke article, propaganda from the top-heavy ownership class. You thought you were a professional adult? Just kidding, regress to your childhood/schooling. Must be supervised.

anakaine 10 hours ago | prev | next |

This article is rage bait. Nothing more, or less.

USA today really should be ashamed of publishing such complete crap.